Ozone India innovation has conceptualized another best in the class idea of body disinfection chamber utilizing Ozone, Hydroxyl particle, and Analytic arrangement, to forestall, and battle COVID-19. The framework depends on the standard of utilizing fog splashing of Ozone in addition to hydroxyl particle in control allowed levels in the general body to rapidly clean the body surface. Wanted Disinfectant arrangements are ready by an in-constructed AMS System (Automatic Mixing System) and guarantee wellbeing for touchy skin regions.

The system can disinfect up to 99.99 percent of the virus, which has the size of one-900th of the width of a human hair, that might have still lasted on surfaces, either the clothes, shoes, or bags. The chamber consists of an infrared sensor installed inside the chamber that automatically activates the disinfection spraying process once a person steps in. It takes 30 seconds to complete a round of disinfection. Dimensions, Sterilization Cycle time & Automation can be customized to suit the requirement.